Clean Diesel FY23 Funding
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This Request for Applications seeks to select organizations that will join with Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) in an aggregated competitive proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program for FY 2022-2023.
Maximum federal funding for MEC’s proposal is $3.5 million. MEC expects to select five to ten (5-10) projects for inclusion in its proposal to EPA, though we may select fewer or more.
Partnership applications under this RFA are limited to replacement of eligible diesel vehicles with alternative fuel or electric vehicles, the replacement of eligible diesel engines with alternative fuel or electric engines, the conversion of eligible diesel engines to run on alternative fuels, and/or the installation of electric parking spaces.
Follow-on activities including public engagement, workforce readiness training, and climate change mitigation planning are allowed and encouraged. All projects must achieve significant reductions in pollution emitted from diesel engines.
If MEC’s proposal to EPA is successful, selected projects will enter a contract agreement with MEC for their performance, beginning in July of 2024, and will be authorized to begin procurement work upon execution of agreement.
Important Dates
RFA Issue Date | 9/15/2023 |
Pre-Application Meeting | 10/5/2023 10:00am CST |
RFA Questions Deadline | 10/27/2023 |
RFA Submission Deadline | 11/2/2023 2:00 PM CST |
Expected Date for MEC Selection Notification | 11/7/2023 |
Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiation | Award with MEC is fully contingent on a successful application to EPA. Estimated July 2024. |
Request for Applications
MEC RFA guidance document (click to download PDF)
Application Form (click to download Fillable PDF)
Budget Table and Fleet Data Worksheet (click to download Excel file)
Fleet Data Dictionary, for informational purposes only (click to download Excel file)
Recording: Pre-Application Webinar
A Pre-Application meeting was held on October 5, 2023. During the meeting, MEC staff conducted a walk-through of the RFA document and took questions from attendees. The meeting recording is available at the below link.
Staff Assistance
For assistance with applications, contact David Albrecht. David will not be involved in evaluating applications.
Questions and Answers
Applicants are also encouraged to submit questions in writing to Jeff Windsor. Questions will be accepted until October 27, 2023. MEC will try to respond to all questions publicly via this web page. Emails should use the subject line: “Query for DERA RFA”.