RFP for Energy Code Training Services
Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals from training or energy related agencies (Offerors) for the performance of Energy Code Training Services.
Offerors will be qualified to deliver commercial and residential energy code training within the Kansas City metro. Energy code training will be delivered to building officials, plan reviewers, building inspectors, electrical inspectors, plumbing inspectors and mechanical inspectors. Additional target audiences may include architects, engineers, designers, licensed residential builders, home building associations, alterations and maintenance contractors, and energy analysis professionals.
RFP for Energy Code Training Services (link to view or download)
It is expected that this proposal will secure Training Services from March 15, 2022, through June 30, 2024. Upon mutual agreement between MEC and the Offeror, services may be extended for two (2) additional, one (1) year periods for a maximum term of five (5) years in total.
Response Deadline: March 3, 2022, at 2:00 PM
Funding Allocations
The contracts are supported by federal grants and contracts. Funding is available to start immediately upon placement.
Eligible Entities
MEC will not make awards to individuals. Offerors must be registered as WBE or MBE with the City of Kansas City Missouri. MBE are preferred, pursuant to an active contract with the City.
Proposals from a consortium of agencies led by an eligible entity are also encouraged.
Separable Service Awards
MEC reserves the right to select one, up to three, or no service offers.
Pre-Proposal Meeting and Recording
A pre-proposal meeting was held on February 15, 2022. During the meeting, MEC staff conducted a walk-through of the RFP document and answered some questions.
Questions and Answers
Question Deadline: February 22, 2022 (email RFP@mec.bluesym10.work)
Offerors are encouraged to submit questions in writing to Jeff Windsor by February 22, 2022. MEC will try to respond to all questions publicly on this website by February 24, 2022.
Emails should use the subject line: “Query for Energy Code Training RFP”.
Q1. The RFP is for two 4-hour courses; however, one outline was provided. Is that outline expected to be 8 hours of material split into two 4 hour courses or is it one 4 hour course and the second will be determined later?
A1. It is intended to be 8 hours split into two 4-hour courses.
Q2. Multiple training sessions are expected, will they all be these same 4 hour courses or are additional courses expected to be added?
A2. They are intended to be the same courses.
Q3. How do I participate in a consortium of applicants?
A3. Several scenarios may cause you to propose as a consortium. The following are some examples of reasons you may decide join together to create a qualified and eligible proposal team.
- If you are an eligible entity but don’t have a qualified trainer; or
- if you are a qualified trainer but not an eligible entity; or
- if you are a qualified and eligible trainer but don’t have the administrative expertise or capacity to manage contracts.
The eligible entity must be the lead applicant.
Q4: How was the list of topics shown under Course Outline, page 11, items 1-6 with subtopics, arrived at?
A4: MEC arrived at the course outline through a process intended to ensure not only that 2018 and 2021 codes are covered according to industry standards but that our local needs are met with the final training plan.
- Staff scheduled appointments with regional codes and building officials and experts. These included Kansas City, MO, and Johnson County, KS, codes departments. In these interviews we received consistent feedback on what topics departments need more information on as they relate to the 2018 and 2021 IECC.
- Then we worked closely with two building codes officials to develop and finalize the outline. Both officials have decades of experience in this field, one of whom has been leading and consulting on a national level with codes and building science for more than a decade.